Sunday, November 2, 2008

Funny Things That Brooklyn Says

Sooooo I have been gone to state with the volleyball team. When I returned home, Mike told me a funny thing that happened while he was home taking care of the kids. Brooke had climbed up to the computer and Mike asked her what she was doing. She replied she was getting on her blog. I about fell over with laughter when he told me this. I think that her sisters have influenced her a little too much. Then last night, we were having hard shelled tacos. One of the kids had asked to have some sauce (salsa) put on their taco. Well Brooke being the sauce girl that she is, requested to have some "sausage" too. It was funny to hear how salsa got changed from sauce to sausage. The funny thing is, she continued over and over to ask for more sausage. She couldn't get enough of it. It was so fun to watch her eat her sausage so I finally took a picture of her to help me remember how much Brooke loves sausage. Brooke is learning so many things so quickly. Unfortunately she picks up on what her siblings say. The other day I asked her to go get her shoes so we could go somewhere. After some time of looking, she came into my room and with a disgusted tone to her voice, she said, " I can't find my freaking shoes." It's funny to hear a 2 year old speak that way, but it's not funny when you know it's your kid and she probably has that word in her head for life. She always has so many cute things to say and she is always wanting to give the prayer. Whether it is on the food or family prayer, she has to say it. I have to say, she says some great prayers. I know some day that the cute things Brooke says will no longer be cute and they will be more of an attitude. But for now I will enjoy all the cute things she has to say even if it is "FREAKEN"


The Calico Crew said...

It's all that Feakin Mandy's fault. It's all over her freakin blog. My poor boys don't even know little red. Glad to see that she's still got the red on the head so we're still justified in calling her that instead of Brooke.

Cluffers said...

It is good to see the her sisters and brother has a good influence on her. Brook is so Freakin awesome!

Morgie said...

I didn't know a 2 year old would say that. That was the last thing on my mind, well except homework I had 7 pages out of my workbook for math and a bunch of problems in the textbook.GGRRRR!!!! I don't like homework!Anyways back to the comment. That's funny that Brooklyn said "I can't find my freaking shoes!" I laughed kind of funny. I think Mandy might have taught her that. She definately has a habit of saying freakin. Maybe Mandy reads it to her. Spy Pro Morgan at your service!!! HaHaha.

Tiffani said...

Good old Red! She is Freakin cute! I don't think many 2 year olds like salsa! You must have a super mild kind or she likes the tiny bit of heat that comes with salsa. I guess the name Red is justified. She likes things HOT!