Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Talent Night

Last night for "Family Fun Evening" we had a talent night. It started out a little rough with kids insisting they didn't have a talent to share. (They knew ahead of time to prepare a talent and they chose to play and mess with the computer) We pulled the keyboard out and taught Jase a song in about 3 minutes and then told him to show what he had learned. He started off great and when he got to the end, he began to look for help from his sister who knows nothing about the piano. SO..... in agony he falls to the ground in despair!
Then Mandy played us a tune and then Ashley and Mandy gave us their version of chop sticks. (not the best that I have heard.) Mandy then showed us her gymnastic ability. I sure wish I had this talent. (never had it, did I Cheri)Then Ellie showed us her talent of gymnastics. For only taking gymnastics for 2 months now, she is pretty good!Of course everyone had to show their talents while Ellie did her talent. I do have to say that Brooklyn's got some sweet moves! The last part of our talent show was Mike playing the guitar. After he played some songs, Mandy wondered if he knew anything modern. We convinced him to play a Hannah Montana song that he learned awhile ago but hadn't played it for some time. He finished his talent with everyone singing with him. I will add that video later. Mike thinks it is time to work from home and needs the internet to do so. So I am being kicked off. To finish the night, we watched the video of our talent show. Jase's video was the winner of the night. He even laughed at himself. Hope you enjoyed the Wilsons' talent night for family fun evening.


The Calico Crew said...

What a totally fun Family Fun Evening. Just a few comments. First, Jace...totally awesome skills on a very familiar keyboard and the flop at the end was the best! Mandy...ok flexi girl just stop! Ellie...are you sure you're old enough to be using your hinges like that? Just don't crack! Brooklyn...groove on little sister! Ashley...if you're going to do a volleyball dive, don't start by looking like aunt Cheri ready to do a cheer. Just getter done girl. Mike...where is the footage man. Way to chill in the chair. And last, Trudi...is video taping really considered a talent? What a slacker. Loved the video's!

Cluffers said...

What fun. I cant wait untill Emmie is old enough to do such things and make a fool of herself too. Jase is so dang funny! I loved all the moves. Ash the volleyball move reminds me of your mom, she was always making grunting noises every time she did a dive to. Have some fun times Wilson Family!!!

Tiffani said...

Your family home evenings are way funner than ours, and at the first I thought, wow, it is quiet at their house during FHE. Until the music came on and it turned into a party house. The kids can't wait to see Jase and tell them they saw him "fall" on camera. And I alway's wished I could do a "tick tock". Lastly, sign Ash up for the next Miss Grantsville Pageant! She can follow in her moms footsteps in the talent division.

Morgie said...

Sounds fun. All we really do is talk. Well, that seems mostly everything we do.

Tammy said...

What a perfect family night, our always turns into the World Wide Wresting Federation before the nights out. You're such a good Mom and a great example to the rest of us. Love Ya.