Saturday, December 27, 2008

Leading up to Christmas...

There are so many things that happen in the month of December that lead up to Christmas. Jase was in the nutcracker.(no pictures to show because they were deleted.) He did a great job as a folk dancer. I loved seeing him get into his dance and his big smiling face. Also, to add to the Christmas excitement, we decided we would do a money tree to give to someone. Instead of mom and dad giving all the money, the kids would do chores to earn money to help put on the money tree. Every time they did a chore, they would put a mark on the paper. Each mark represented a dollar. The person who earned the most money, would be the one who got to put it on the door step, knock and run. Mandy won hands down but Ellie worked hard to catch her. It was fun seeing the kids ask for chores and work hard at doing them. It is too bad that it has to end. (the only negative thing is the fighting because someone was wanting to do a chore and the other wanted to do it too.)
Mandy and Ellie helped roll all the money to place on the tree. This was not an easy task.

After many attempts to leave it and almost getting caught by their neighbor and Mandy busting open the cellophane bag that it was in.(this was all on one attempt,) They were finally home so we could leave the money tree. Boy were we glad to get rid of it. We also dipped cinnamon bears in chocolate and decorated gram cracker houses to help pass the time away. Brooklyn had more fun eating the candy than decorating the houses. This is Ellie and Mandy's idea of a gram cracker house.
With December came the snow. The kids spent many hours rolling and throwing snowballs. Ellie spent more time rolling than anything else. The neighborhood boys enjoyed more throwing.
Mandy, Jase, Brayden, and Dammon enjoyed climbing on Ellie's snowball. To end the school break, Ashley performed with her choir at their Christmas concert.
These are a few of my favorite things that led up to Christmas.


Tiffani said...

Your money tree turned out cute. Kory wouldn't let me do it because he doesn't like to step outside his little box of what he calls "normal". But I am going to do it someday. What did Santa bring you? Anything from Sutherlands?

The Calico Crew said...

I loved Ellie's snowman!...or big snowball i guess! can't wait to see you guys soon! When are you coming down?